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                                  Topics of the Heart  
                           Twin Flame, & Soul Alignment 
 In our sessions and groups, we each explore the following in a supportive and loving group environment.
  • The awakening and purpose of each Twin Flame

  • Separation and emotional triggers

  • Union what does this mean, are we really separated

  • We look at coping  and releasing emotional and   trapped energy 

  • Surrendering, what does that mean, in  giving your Twin the freedom to grow, our greatest lesson

  • Managing communication with our Twin, when they are running or with us

  • We work on letting go of personal belief systems that are blocking love

  • Look at family, friends, inner child, past life scenarios 

  • Learn to trust the self-alignment process of our journey to the heart

  • Through our sessions we see it’s not about fixing our Twin, but it’s about fixing our-self.

  • As we awaken more, we inwardly ascend,vibrate higher, our self love enhances our self worth, we then see a bigger picture for our self and our Twin either together or on a complimentary path separately.





 Self, Spiritual, and Business Alignment Class

                and workshop content.

   In these sessions we work on the following:

  • Together we find you - your self

  • We find your inner compass through trusting your awareness, your choices, your timing that takes you to your highest good

  • We learn to see and interpret many signals given to us

  • Learn to trust our intuition, and access our inner compass the heart

  • From this point all that doesn't serve our highest good drops off, we clear the blocks with new energy coming in.

  • We find our divine purpose, on our journey to  self .      


Past & Present Platform & Workshop Locations:

Werrington Spiritualist Church

Seven Hills Spiritualist Church  Center

Neutral Bay Center

Azures Den Wellness Center

Crows Nest Community Center

Workshops Classes - Soul & Self Alignment, Twin Flame:

8 week Soul Alignment classes

Finding Self Workshops

Twin Flame Workshops

Twin Flame Monthly Support Group           




Available location One on One appointments
  • Crows Nest
  • Mosman
  • Neutral Bay 
  • Chatswood
  • Concord
  • St Ives
  • North Shore Area
  • World Wide Skype Appointment Sessions

  • Skype: westp9

  • All booked sessions to be Pre paid to appt via pay pal invoice



Its always been your choice with others, Now its your time for you, and  your own self alignment.
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         Past Workshop & Classes
"COVID slowed us all down, in and out of lock down, but not our Heart, as we cancelled a lot of scheduled classes after MBS in 2021".


                     Mind Body Spirit Festival

                         18 th -21th May 2023

  Darling Harbor Convention Center - Sydney

                             Stand No C29

                    We are booked out every year.

Reserve an appt early through the MBS  Sydney website under "Twin Flame Journey to The Heart" exhibitor enquiry page, or  message my website.



Soul Alignment Heart Workshops
 June 25th 2022
Crows Nest - Sydney
      Workshop Details:
  • How to align to your self first,  your Twin /Soulmate

  • Find out what your missing heart and alignment links are

  • Whats stopping you going forward
  • How to Self Align to your purpose

  • Learn to Trust in your Heart's process

  • Seeing your bigger picture of you

  • Learn that its about you - your awareness, your  choices, but in your timing

"Yes, more scheduled workshops coming soon"
  • Soul & Twin Flame Alignment
  • Finding You
  • What are your missing alignment and Heart Links
  • Twin Flame Monthly Self Alignment Support Groups                     
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 Monthly Twin Flame/Soul Alignment Support Group
Crows Nest Community Center

2 Ernest Place

Crows Nest

Reservations Requested for Attendance
Limited Availability - Text me for confirmation.

Date Schedule Below:




​             Group Meeting Dates: 2023


               Sat 19th June  - Heart Workshop
   Crows Nest  Community Center 2022
Ford Room

  2 Ernest Place

Crows Nest

 9:30am - 4pm




PH: 0418 229 803
Questions? Message me!
Our collective strength is in what we have learnt, and what we share if we choose to do so. Our trust of each others story remains private and stays within our circle.  While it may seem all Twin's or Soul Mate's journeys look the same there are many insights, variations, for each person attending, with our aim always to support, listen, learn, heal in our group environment. From this we gain much from each other, with no judgement, so wherever, whoever you are, you are always welcome.






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  Product Services: Message Me re Payment through Pal Pal Invoice

  • Self Alignment - 54 Key Cards deck - $50 (plus shipping)

  • Alignment and Twin Flame Crystal Packs - $50 (plus shipping)

  • New - Channeled Spirit Message Twin Flame & Alignment Inspirational cards

  • Soul Pathways Book - Channeled Messages from Spirit


   Sessional Work: Payment through Pal Pal Invoice

  • 30 or 60 Minute - Twin Flame Alignment Sessions

  • 30 or 60 Minute - Soul Alignment Readings

  • Soul and Spiritual Alignment coaching classes and workshops 

  • Twin Flame Heart Guide Chart ( Detailed analysis of the inner you - what your working on)

  • Soul Alignment Guide Chart ( The Art of finding the Inner you - what your working towards)


Testimonials from Beautiful Souls


"Having a Twin Flame - Soul Alignment session with Ernest helped me look at the things that I have been afraid to address within me and with his guidance I was able to take action enabling me to clear the blocks and heal, enabling me to move forward so that permanent harmonious Union with my Twin Flame will be realized.

During our session, Ernest pulled some cards from his Soul, Spiritual and Self-Alignment Key Cards, which was perfect for my situation. I look forward to start using these cards for myself.

I found Ernest to be a warm, friendly and sympathetic person and I am very grateful for all the love, support and guidance that I received with my session with Ernest."



Angela. F.





Thank you Ernest, for being my Soul Alignment and Spiritual Counselor.  I always look forward to our weekly sessions that inspire me to transcend the ordinary and to consciously create my highest soul potential.  


You offer a warm and welcoming healing environment where I feel extremely safe and well protected; from the energies around and within my realm of consciousness.  I am always grateful for the amount of energetic protection you provide and the session ending prayers for healing and wellness. In all of my years sharing with a Spiritual counselor, you are the only one that has held the space so lovingly and with such integrity.   


You have taught me to love and appreciate my soul journey, which has taught me to respect and love others evolving on their soul journey. You have taught me to listen to my truth and work towards the light - although it is challenging at times. You have taught me that I am an important human, be-ing on this earth.  You have taught me that my soul evolution is just as essential as anyone elses and to let go of the egoic perceptions that I have held within my auric field for so long.  You achieve all of this without judgement and with Divine Grace.  You have made me love myself again, and I will always be forever grateful.  


Your steps of Alignment has changed my life. I wish everyone had the opportunity to sit with you in class, receive a healing treatment, or allow themselves the enjoyment of a private session. I am truly humbled by your kind and generous spirit. 


Thank you for being my Soul Alignment and Spiritual Coach from the bottom of my heart, and soul. 


Simone P.


Ernest, it was wonderful to speak with you, and to know there is a male out there who has gone through the Twin Flame process, who understands both aspects of the male and female sides of this up and down journey, and not afraid to share his own experiences and support mechanisms to get through this.
Your loving and patient support was a comforting experience for me to know that someone understands and cares for all that was expressed in what we all go through.   
Thank you for all that you do for Twin Flames, this has helped me immensely as we continue on our own journeys.

"Ernest, I found your recent Alignment workshop to be a fantastic day. I learnt a number of things I need to do for myself and to allow myself time, patience and self-love. I am working on letting go of things that don't serve me such as control and self-doubt, thanks to your good advice.


I love your 9 keys of alignment bookmark and really believe in those steps. Thank you for helping me to move forward in my spiritual and soul alignment journey. I am still a work in progress but doing better every day. I would recommend your workshop to anyone looking for direction or purpose in their life as it will help them to learn new ways to align and grow."


Looking forward to seeing you again soon ☺



"I had the privilege and pleasure to work with Ernest at his recent Soul Alignment Workshop on Saturday 30th July 2017. Ernest is a wonderful gentle facilitator, making everyone feel comfortable and relaxed, he kept it informal which created a secure, warm and unthreatening environment so we were able to openly share with each other.


Each person felt comfortable opening up about themselves in a very non-judgmental situation. Paul steered the direction for the group assisting them to find their self and way forward.


Ernest is very knowledgeable of his subject and was able to give a lot of direction and alignment keys to assist others to align from within, with what they were wanting in life and from his insight they were able to see the way forward in where to start.


Ernest creates a safe and gentle group environment, which allows all participants to be interactive in assisting each other with positive information that will help them work on their own self alignment choices, and the path they will now elect to walk on."



"Ernest, thank you so very much for the Soul Alignment workshop, it was excellent.


My eyes became clearer and the curtains were parted.  Many awakenings, and many habit changing ideas were presented to me during the day, I took a lot more away than I expected.  


The beautiful energies were firing constantly, I am still feeling the shifts, negativity is being cleared and is being replaced with optimism, my thought patterns have been impacted by all that I learned and received. 


My glass half empty is becoming a glass half full.  You are a beautiful star.  Looking forward to attending more of your events."


Love and Happiness,  



"Ernest, I completely and totally enjoyed the Soul and Spiritual Alignment workshop with you recently and experienced much more than just getting a valuable information. It was an amazing experience of sharing personal stories, revealing any blocks standing in the way of Soul Alignment and finding the ways to eliminate them.


Ernest was interacting with everyone in understanding and supportive manner, shared his personal self in how he aligned, which encouraged others to feel safe in sharing their own journeys and breakthroughs. The atmosphere of the workshop was relaxing and warm-hearted.


All training materials were provided in the most fashionable way. A pleasant surprise in the form of a beautiful crystal heart waited for everyone who participated. It was such a beautiful way to finish the workshop."




"What does one look for in a teacher?  I look for knowledge, experience, compassion, patience, humor and an ability to listen.  All these qualities reside in Ernest M Henry.

 Ernest will gently guide and challenge you wherever necessary whether you are new to the experience or adding to it.  

​Above all, and most importantly, Ernest has a passion for this work and an excitement for what he can offer his students and the change and depth it can bring to their life and spirituality."



Ernest, I really enjoyed the Soul & Spiritual Alignment Workshop. Then workshop was safe,warm,with a supportive environment for each of us to share our personal stories.
Well all felt comfortable to talk about ourselves and to gain insight into how to move forward and how to have a deeper understanding of our soul's journey.
The workshop was a very positive experience for all of us and we thank you for your guidance and patience in helping us clear the way forward, follow our own true paths in life and to connect with our own true self with self alignment.
Kim. H- Sydney       

Disclaimer by Ernest M. Henry:

Healing and medicine occupy two different planes of existence. By law, we are required to include this disclaimer. The information contained in this website is not medicine or medical information but energy healing and does not constitute medical advice.  In case of serious illness, consult a medical professional.

All written information on this site is copyrighted and cannot be used without permission.  

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Red Feather School Lodge of Psychic & Spiritual Studies

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