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Ernest M.Henry Gift Vouchers
Understanding the process of each Twin's  inward journey  is everything, as each twin's discovery & self alignment occurs as they both move closer or apart, either individually or together working  on aspects of themselves.
Usually one of the twins lets go first of inner attachments more quicker to things that have bound them prior. As one twin moves forward, the other may not move as fast, as the unraveling of self, surrendering to and understanding the process takes time. 

Twin Flame Soul Mate

Journey Alignment Sessions

Give a Gift Voucher Session

30 or 60 mins available

Price confirmed on request via our website contact

Payment via Pal Pal Invoice

My inner and outer compass.
Celestite, Aquamarine,
Herkimer diamond crystals.

Soul, Spiritual, Self, Business

  Alignment Sessions

Give a Gift Voucher Session

30 or 60 mins available

Price confirmed on request via our website contact




Through soul alignment, we find our inner compass,through awareness,choices,with aligned direction and self purpose, our self love increases, our soul vibrates to a different sound, we now speak  from our heart,our inner and outer self now merged as one, we step into flow, aligned, connected to spirit, source,integrated.

Our actions and self mastery to our self and others dictate the speed of our own inner ascension, we start to see the true meaning and divinity of our journey, with eyes open,hearing every sound, feeling everything, with no judgement of self or others. 


​​"Define your direction and  align to

   your inner compass,walk the path

     you were always meant to follow " 





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